

Finite S-adele ring #

Let R be a Dedekind domain of Krull dimension 1, K its field of fractions and S a finite set of finite places v of K. In this file we define the finite S-adele ring, whose carrier is the set of all elements in ProdAdicCompletions R K which are in the v-adic ring of integers outside of S, and we show that this is locally compact. The finite S-adele ring affords an open embedding into the regular finite adele ring and, moreover, cover the finite adele ring. This allows us to show that the finite adele ring is also locally compact.

Main definitions #

Main results #

Implementation notes #

Tags #

finite s-adele ring, dedekind domain

The type DedekindDomain.ProdAdicCompletions split as a product along the predicate v ∈ S.

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Instances For

    Binary product split along the predicate v ∈ S, whose first element ranges over v-adic completions of K and whose second element ranges over v-adic rings of integers.

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    Instances For

      The subtype of DedekindDomain.SProdAdicCompletions whose second product ranges over v-adic rings of integers.

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      Instances For

        The type equivalence between the two formalisations of Π (v ∈ S), Kᵥ × Π (v ∉ S), Oᵥ.

        The homeomorphism between the two formalisations of Π (v ∈ S), Kᵥ × Π (v ∉ S), Oᵥ.

        The finite S-adele ring.

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        Instances For

          the finite S-adele ring is homeomorphic to Π (v ∈ S), Kᵥ × Π (v ∉ S), Oᵥ.

          Ring homomorphism sending finite S-adeles to finite adeles.

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          Instances For

            The finite S-adele ring embedded into the finite adele ring is in the generating set of the topology of the finite adele ring

            The S-adeles are given a second subspace topology, viewed as a subspace of the finite adele ring.

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            Instances For

              Subtype val of the finite S-adele ring factors through the embedding into the finite adele ring.

              The generating set of the subspace topology of the finite S-adele ring viewed as a subspace of the finite adele ring coincides with the generating set of the subspace topology obtained as a subspace of ProdAdicCompletions.

              The subspace topology of the finite S-adele ring viewed as a subspace of the finite adele ring coincides with the subspace topology when viewed as a subspace of ProdAdicCompletions.

              The map sending finite S-adeles to finite adeles is open and injective.

              The finite adele ring is locally compact.