

Adic valuations on Dedekind domains #

Let R be a Dedekind domain of Krull dimension 1, K its field of fractions and v a maximal ideal of R. In this file we prove compactness results for the v-adic completion of K and its ring of integers.

We import required Lean 3 results from the work of María Inés de Frutos-Fernández and Filippo A. E. Nuccio concerning the uniformizers of the ring of integers and the finiteness of its residue field, which are referenced appropriately in the docstrings.

Note that one of the main results is not proved here, since the proof is already given elsewhere in Lean 3 by María Inés de Frutos-Fernández, Filippo A. E. Nuccio in

Main definitions #

Main results #

References #

Tags #

dedekind domain, dedekind ring, adic valuation


Open balls can be shrunk to radius < 1 by multiplying by an appropriate power of a uniformizer.

A v-adic integer is a unit if and only if it has valuation 1.

An element of a positive power n of the maximal ideal of the v-adic integers has valuation less than or equal to -n.

The residue field of the v-adic integers is finite.


Takes an n-tuple (a₁, ..., aₙ) and creates a v-adic integer using the n-tuple as coefficients in a finite v-adic expansion in some fixed v-adic integer π as a₁ + a₂π + a₃π² + .... Note the definition does not require π to be a uniformizer.

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Instances For

    Given a uniformizer π of the v-adic integers and a v-adic integer x, there exists an n-tuple of representatives in the residue field of the v-adic integers such that x can be written as a finite v-adic expansion in π with coefficients given by the n-tuple.

    Given a uniformizer π of the v-adic integers and a v-adic integer x modulo a power of the maximal ideal, gives the coefficients of x in the finite v-adic expansion in π as an n-tuple of representatives in the residue field.

    Instances For

      There is a finite covering of the v-adic integers of open balls of radius larger than one, namely the single open ball centred at 0.

      There is a finite covering of the v-adic integers of open balls of radius equal to one, obtained by using the finite representatives in the residue field.

      There is a finite covering of the v-adic integers of open balls of radius less than one, obtained by using the finite representatives in the quotient of the v-adic integers by a power of the maximal ideal.

      The v-adic integers is a totally bounded set since they afford a finite subcover of open balls, obtained by using the finite representatives of the quotient of the v-adic integers by a power of the maximal ideal.

      The v-adic completion of K is locally compact since the open balls give compact neighbourhoods.

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