

Purely inseparable extension and relative perfect closure #

This file contains basics about purely inseparable extensions and the relative perfect closure of fields.

Main definitions #

Main results #

Tags #

separable degree, degree, separable closure, purely inseparable


class IsPurelyInseparable (F : Type u) (E : Type v) [Field F] [Field E] [Algebra F E] :

Typeclass for purely inseparable field extensions: an algebraic extension E / F is purely inseparable if and only if the minimal polynomial of every element of E ∖ F is not separable.

    theorem IsPurelyInseparable.inseparable' {F : Type u} {E : Type v} [Field F] [Field E] [Algebra F E] [self : IsPurelyInseparable F E] (x : E) :
    IsSeparable F xx (algebraMap F E).range
    theorem IsPurelyInseparable.isIntegral' (F : Type u) {E : Type v} [Field F] [Field E] [Algebra F E] [IsPurelyInseparable F E] (x : E) :
    theorem IsPurelyInseparable.inseparable (F : Type u) {E : Type v} [Field F] [Field E] [Algebra F E] [IsPurelyInseparable F E] (x : E) :
    IsSeparable F xx (algebraMap F E).range
    theorem isPurelyInseparable_iff {F : Type u} {E : Type v} [Field F] [Field E] [Algebra F E] :
    IsPurelyInseparable F E ∀ (x : E), IsIntegral F x (IsSeparable F xx (algebraMap F E).range)
    theorem AlgEquiv.isPurelyInseparable {F : Type u} {E : Type v} [Field F] [Field E] [Algebra F E] {K : Type w} [Field K] [Algebra F K] (e : K ≃ₐ[F] E) [IsPurelyInseparable F K] :

    Transfer IsPurelyInseparable across an AlgEquiv.

    theorem AlgEquiv.isPurelyInseparable_iff {F : Type u} {E : Type v} [Field F] [Field E] [Algebra F E] {K : Type w} [Field K] [Algebra F K] (e : K ≃ₐ[F] E) :

    If E / F is an algebraic extension, F is separably closed, then E / F is purely inseparable.

    If E / F is both purely inseparable and separable, then algebraMap F E is surjective.

    If E / F is both purely inseparable and separable, then algebraMap F E is bijective.

    If an intermediate field of E / F is both purely inseparable and separable, then it is equal to F.

    If E / F is purely inseparable, then the separable closure of F in E is equal to F.

    If E / F is an algebraic extension, then the separable closure of F in E is equal to F if and only if E / F is purely inseparable.

    • =
    theorem isPurelyInseparable_iff_pow_mem (F : Type u) {E : Type v} [Field F] [Field E] [Algebra F E] (q : ) [ExpChar F q] :
    IsPurelyInseparable F E ∀ (x : E), ∃ (n : ), x ^ q ^ n (algebraMap F E).range

    A field extension E / F of exponential characteristic q is purely inseparable if and only if for every element x of E, there exists a natural number n such that x ^ (q ^ n) is contained in F.

    theorem IsPurelyInseparable.pow_mem (F : Type u) {E : Type v} [Field F] [Field E] [Algebra F E] (q : ) [ExpChar F q] [IsPurelyInseparable F E] (x : E) :
    ∃ (n : ), x ^ q ^ n (algebraMap F E).range
    def perfectClosure (F : Type u) (E : Type v) [Field F] [Field E] [Algebra F E] :

    The relative perfect closure of F in E, consists of the elements x of E such that there exists a natural number n such that x ^ (ringExpChar F) ^ n is contained in F, where ringExpChar F is the exponential characteristic of F. It is also the maximal purely inseparable subextension of E / F (le_perfectClosure_iff).

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    Instances For
      theorem mem_perfectClosure_iff {F : Type u} {E : Type v} [Field F] [Field E] [Algebra F E] {x : E} :
      x perfectClosure F E ∃ (n : ), x ^ ringExpChar F ^ n (algebraMap F E).range
      theorem mem_perfectClosure_iff_pow_mem {F : Type u} {E : Type v} [Field F] [Field E] [Algebra F E] (q : ) [ExpChar F q] {x : E} :
      x perfectClosure F E ∃ (n : ), x ^ q ^ n (algebraMap F E).range
      theorem mem_perfectClosure_iff_natSepDegree_eq_one {F : Type u} {E : Type v} [Field F] [Field E] [Algebra F E] {x : E} :
      x perfectClosure F E (minpoly F x).natSepDegree = 1

      An element is contained in the relative perfect closure if and only if its mininal polynomial has separable degree one.

      A field extension E / F is purely inseparable if and only if the relative perfect closure of F in E is equal to E.

      The relative perfect closure of F in E is purely inseparable over F.

      • =
      instance perfectClosure.isAlgebraic (F : Type u) (E : Type v) [Field F] [Field E] [Algebra F E] :

      The relative perfect closure of F in E is algebraic over F.

      • =

      If E / F is separable, then the perfect closure of F in E is equal to F. Note that the converse is not necessarily true (see even when E / F is algebraic.

      theorem le_perfectClosure (F : Type u) (E : Type v) [Field F] [Field E] [Algebra F E] (L : IntermediateField F E) [h : IsPurelyInseparable F L] :

      An intermediate field of E / F is contained in the relative perfect closure of F in E if it is purely inseparable over F.

      theorem le_perfectClosure_iff (F : Type u) (E : Type v) [Field F] [Field E] [Algebra F E] (L : IntermediateField F E) :

      An intermediate field of E / F is contained in the relative perfect closure of F in E if and only if it is purely inseparable over F.

      theorem map_mem_perfectClosure_iff {F : Type u} {E : Type v} [Field F] [Field E] [Algebra F E] {K : Type w} [Field K] [Algebra F K] (i : E →ₐ[F] K) {x : E} :

      If i is an F-algebra homomorphism from E to K, then i x is contained in perfectClosure F K if and only if x is contained in perfectClosure F E.

      theorem perfectClosure.comap_eq_of_algHom {F : Type u} {E : Type v} [Field F] [Field E] [Algebra F E] {K : Type w} [Field K] [Algebra F K] (i : E →ₐ[F] K) :

      If i is an F-algebra homomorphism from E to K, then the preimage of perfectClosure F K under the map i is equal to perfectClosure F E.

      theorem perfectClosure.map_le_of_algHom {F : Type u} {E : Type v} [Field F] [Field E] [Algebra F E] {K : Type w} [Field K] [Algebra F K] (i : E →ₐ[F] K) :

      If i is an F-algebra homomorphism from E to K, then the image of perfectClosure F E under the map i is contained in perfectClosure F K.

      theorem perfectClosure.map_eq_of_algEquiv {F : Type u} {E : Type v} [Field F] [Field E] [Algebra F E] {K : Type w} [Field K] [Algebra F K] (i : E ≃ₐ[F] K) :

      If i is an F-algebra isomorphism of E and K, then the image of perfectClosure F E under the map i is equal to in perfectClosure F K.

      def perfectClosure.algEquivOfAlgEquiv {F : Type u} {E : Type v} [Field F] [Field E] [Algebra F E] {K : Type w} [Field K] [Algebra F K] (i : E ≃ₐ[F] K) :

      If E and K are isomorphic as F-algebras, then perfectClosure F E and perfectClosure F K are also isomorphic as F-algebras.

      Instances For
        def AlgEquiv.perfectClosure {F : Type u} {E : Type v} [Field F] [Field E] [Algebra F E] {K : Type w} [Field K] [Algebra F K] (i : E ≃ₐ[F] K) :

        Alias of perfectClosure.algEquivOfAlgEquiv.

        If E and K are isomorphic as F-algebras, then perfectClosure F E and perfectClosure F K are also isomorphic as F-algebras.

        Instances For
          instance perfectClosure.perfectRing (F : Type u) (E : Type v) [Field F] [Field E] [Algebra F E] (p : ) [ExpChar E p] [PerfectRing E p] :

          If E is a perfect field of exponential characteristic p, then the (relative) perfect closure perfectClosure F E is perfect.

          • =
          instance perfectClosure.perfectField (F : Type u) (E : Type v) [Field F] [Field E] [Algebra F E] [PerfectField E] :

          If E is a perfect field, then the (relative) perfect closure perfectClosure F E is perfect.

          • =
          theorem IsPurelyInseparable.tower_bot (F : Type u) (E : Type v) [Field F] [Field E] [Algebra F E] (K : Type w) [Field K] [Algebra F K] [Algebra E K] [IsScalarTower F E K] [IsPurelyInseparable F K] :

          If K / E / F is a field extension tower such that K / F is purely inseparable, then E / F is also purely inseparable.

          theorem IsPurelyInseparable.tower_top (F : Type u) (E : Type v) [Field F] [Field E] [Algebra F E] (K : Type w) [Field K] [Algebra F K] [Algebra E K] [IsScalarTower F E K] [h : IsPurelyInseparable F K] :

          If K / E / F is a field extension tower such that K / F is purely inseparable, then K / E is also purely inseparable.

          theorem IsPurelyInseparable.trans (F : Type u) (E : Type v) [Field F] [Field E] [Algebra F E] (K : Type w) [Field K] [Algebra F K] [Algebra E K] [IsScalarTower F E K] [h1 : IsPurelyInseparable F E] [h2 : IsPurelyInseparable E K] :

          If E / F and K / E are both purely inseparable extensions, then K / F is also purely inseparable.

          theorem isPurelyInseparable_iff_natSepDegree_eq_one (F : Type u) {E : Type v} [Field F] [Field E] [Algebra F E] :
          IsPurelyInseparable F E ∀ (x : E), (minpoly F x).natSepDegree = 1

          A field extension E / F is purely inseparable if and only if for every element x of E, its minimal polynomial has separable degree one.

          theorem IsPurelyInseparable.natSepDegree_eq_one (F : Type u) {E : Type v} [Field F] [Field E] [Algebra F E] [IsPurelyInseparable F E] (x : E) :
          (minpoly F x).natSepDegree = 1
          theorem isPurelyInseparable_iff_minpoly_eq_X_pow_sub_C (F : Type u) {E : Type v} [Field F] [Field E] [Algebra F E] (q : ) [hF : ExpChar F q] :
          IsPurelyInseparable F E ∀ (x : E), ∃ (n : ) (y : F), minpoly F x = Polynomial.X ^ q ^ n - Polynomial.C y

          A field extension E / F of exponential characteristic q is purely inseparable if and only if for every element x of E, the minimal polynomial of x over F is of form X ^ (q ^ n) - y for some natural number n and some element y of F.

          theorem IsPurelyInseparable.minpoly_eq_X_pow_sub_C (F : Type u) {E : Type v} [Field F] [Field E] [Algebra F E] (q : ) [ExpChar F q] [IsPurelyInseparable F E] (x : E) :
          ∃ (n : ) (y : F), minpoly F x = Polynomial.X ^ q ^ n - Polynomial.C y
          theorem isPurelyInseparable_iff_minpoly_eq_X_sub_C_pow (F : Type u) {E : Type v} [Field F] [Field E] [Algebra F E] (q : ) [hF : ExpChar F q] :
          IsPurelyInseparable F E ∀ (x : E), ∃ (n : ), (algebraMap F E) (minpoly F x) = (Polynomial.X - Polynomial.C x) ^ q ^ n

          A field extension E / F of exponential characteristic q is purely inseparable if and only if for every element x of E, the minimal polynomial of x over F is of form (X - x) ^ (q ^ n) for some natural number n.

          theorem IsPurelyInseparable.minpoly_eq_X_sub_C_pow (F : Type u) {E : Type v} [Field F] [Field E] [Algebra F E] (q : ) [ExpChar F q] [IsPurelyInseparable F E] (x : E) :
          ∃ (n : ), (algebraMap F E) (minpoly F x) = (Polynomial.X - Polynomial.C x) ^ q ^ n

          If an algebraic extension has finite separable degree one, then it is purely inseparable.

          theorem IsPurelyInseparable.injective_comp_algebraMap (F : Type u) (E : Type v) [Field F] [Field E] [Algebra F E] [IsPurelyInseparable F E] (L : Type w) [CommRing L] [IsReduced L] :
          Function.Injective fun (f : E →+* L) => f.comp (algebraMap F E)

          If E / F is purely inseparable, then for any reduced ring L, the map (E →+* L) → (F →+* L) induced by algebraMap F E is injective. In particular, a purely inseparable field extension is an epimorphism in the category of fields.

          If E / F is purely inseparable, then for any reduced F-algebra L, there exists at most one F-algebra homomorphism from E to L.

          • =

          If E / F is purely inseparable, then Field.Emb F E has exactly one element.


          A purely inseparable extension has finite separable degree one.

          A purely inseparable extension has separable degree one.

          A purely inseparable extension has inseparable degree equal to degree.

          A purely inseparable extension has finite inseparable degree equal to degree.

          An algebraic extension is purely inseparable if and only if it has finite separable degree one.

          An algebraic extension is purely inseparable if and only if all of its finite dimensional subextensions are purely inseparable.

          instance IsPurelyInseparable.normal (F : Type u) (E : Type v) [Field F] [Field E] [Algebra F E] [IsPurelyInseparable F E] :
          Normal F E

          A purely inseparable extension is normal.

          • =

          If E / F is algebraic, then E is purely inseparable over the separable closure of F in E.

          theorem separableClosure_le (F : Type u) (E : Type v) [Field F] [Field E] [Algebra F E] (L : IntermediateField F E) [h : IsPurelyInseparable (L) E] :

          An intermediate field of E / F contains the separable closure of F in E if E is purely inseparable over it.

          If E / F is algebraic, then an intermediate field of E / F contains the separable closure of F in E if and only if E is purely inseparable over it.

          theorem eq_separableClosure (F : Type u) (E : Type v) [Field F] [Field E] [Algebra F E] (L : IntermediateField F E) [Algebra.IsSeparable F L] [IsPurelyInseparable (L) E] :

          If an intermediate field of E / F is separable over F, and E is purely inseparable over it, then it is equal to the separable closure of F in E.

          If E / F is algebraic, then an intermediate field of E / F is equal to the separable closure of F in E if and only if it is separable over F, and E is purely inseparable over it.

          • =
          theorem IntermediateField.isPurelyInseparable_adjoin_simple_iff_natSepDegree_eq_one (F : Type u) (E : Type v) [Field F] [Field E] [Algebra F E] {x : E} :
          IsPurelyInseparable F Fx (minpoly F x).natSepDegree = 1

          F⟮x⟯ / F is a purely inseparable extension if and only if the mininal polynomial of x has separable degree one.

          theorem IntermediateField.isPurelyInseparable_adjoin_simple_iff_pow_mem (F : Type u) (E : Type v) [Field F] [Field E] [Algebra F E] (q : ) [hF : ExpChar F q] {x : E} :
          IsPurelyInseparable F Fx ∃ (n : ), x ^ q ^ n (algebraMap F E).range

          If F is of exponential characteristic q, then F⟮x⟯ / F is a purely inseparable extension if and only if x ^ (q ^ n) is contained in F for some n : ℕ.

          theorem IntermediateField.isPurelyInseparable_adjoin_iff_pow_mem (F : Type u) (E : Type v) [Field F] [Field E] [Algebra F E] (q : ) [hF : ExpChar F q] {S : Set E} :
          IsPurelyInseparable F (IntermediateField.adjoin F S) xS, ∃ (n : ), x ^ q ^ n (algebraMap F E).range

          If F is of exponential characteristic q, then F(S) / F is a purely inseparable extension if and only if for any x ∈ S, x ^ (q ^ n) is contained in F for some n : ℕ.

          instance IntermediateField.isPurelyInseparable_sup (F : Type u) (E : Type v) [Field F] [Field E] [Algebra F E] (L1 : IntermediateField F E) (L2 : IntermediateField F E) [h1 : IsPurelyInseparable F L1] [h2 : IsPurelyInseparable F L2] :

          A compositum of two purely inseparable extensions is purely inseparable.

          • =
          instance IntermediateField.isPurelyInseparable_iSup (F : Type u) (E : Type v) [Field F] [Field E] [Algebra F E] {ι : Sort u_1} {t : ιIntermediateField F E} [h : ∀ (i : ι), IsPurelyInseparable F (t i)] :
          IsPurelyInseparable F (⨆ (i : ι), t i)

          A compositum of purely inseparable extensions is purely inseparable.

          • =

          If F is a field of exponential characteristic q, F(S) / F is separable, then F(S) = F(S ^ (q ^ n)) for any natural number n.

          theorem IntermediateField.adjoin_eq_adjoin_pow_expChar_pow_of_isSeparable' (F : Type u) (E : Type v) [Field F] [Field E] [Algebra F E] [Algebra.IsSeparable F E] (S : Set E) (q : ) [ExpChar F q] (n : ) :
          IntermediateField.adjoin F S = IntermediateField.adjoin F ((fun (x : E) => x ^ q ^ n) '' S)

          If E / F is a separable field extension of exponential characteristic q, then F(S) = F(S ^ (q ^ n)) for any subset S of E and any natural number n.

          If F is a field of exponential characteristic q, F(S) / F is separable, then F(S) = F(S ^ q).

          If E / F is a separable field extension of exponential characteristic q, then F(S) = F(S ^ q) for any subset S of E.

          theorem Field.span_map_pow_expChar_pow_eq_top_of_isSeparable {F : Type u} {E : Type v} [Field F] [Field E] [Algebra F E] (q : ) (n : ) [hF : ExpChar F q] {ι : Type u_1} {v : ιE} [Algebra.IsSeparable F E] (h : Submodule.span F (Set.range v) = ) :
          Submodule.span F (Set.range fun (x : ι) => v x ^ q ^ n) =

          If E / F is a separable extension of exponential characteristic q, if { u_i } is a family of elements of E which F-linearly spans E, then { u_i ^ (q ^ n) } also F-linearly spans E for any natural number n.

          theorem LinearIndependent.map_pow_expChar_pow_of_isSeparable {F : Type u} {E : Type v} [Field F] [Field E] [Algebra F E] (q : ) (n : ) [hF : ExpChar F q] {ι : Type u_1} {v : ιE} [Algebra.IsSeparable F E] (h : LinearIndependent F v) :
          LinearIndependent F fun (x : ι) => v x ^ q ^ n

          If E / F is a separable extension of exponential characteristic q, if { u_i } is a family of elements of E which is F-linearly independent, then { u_i ^ (q ^ n) } is also F-linearly independent for any natural number n.

          theorem LinearIndependent.map_pow_expChar_pow_of_isIntegral' {F : Type u} {E : Type v} [Field F] [Field E] [Algebra F E] (q : ) (n : ) [hF : ExpChar F q] {ι : Type u_1} {v : ιE} (hsep : ∀ (i : ι), IsSeparable F (v i)) (h : LinearIndependent F v) :
          LinearIndependent F fun (x : ι) => v x ^ q ^ n

          If E / F is a field extension of exponential characteristic q, if { u_i } is a family of separable elements of E which is F-linearly independent, then { u_i ^ (q ^ n) } is also F-linearly independent for any natural number n.

          def Basis.mapPowExpCharPowOfIsSeparable {F : Type u} {E : Type v} [Field F] [Field E] [Algebra F E] (q : ) (n : ) [hF : ExpChar F q] {ι : Type u_1} [Algebra.IsSeparable F E] (b : Basis ι F E) :
          Basis ι F E

          If E / F is a separable extension of exponential characteristic q, if { u_i } is an F-basis of E, then { u_i ^ (q ^ n) } is also an F-basis of E for any natural number n.

          Instances For

            If E is an algebraic closure of F, then F is separably closed if and only if E / F is purely inseparable.

            If E / F is an algebraic extension, F is separably closed, then E is also separably closed.

            If E / F is a separable extension, E is perfect, then F is also prefect.

            If E is an algebraic closure of F, then F is perfect if and only if E / F is separable.

            theorem Field.finSepDegree_eq (F : Type u) (E : Type v) [Field F] [Field E] [Algebra F E] [Algebra.IsAlgebraic F E] :
            Field.finSepDegree F E = Cardinal.toNat (Field.sepDegree F E)

            If E / F is algebraic, then the Field.finSepDegree F E is equal to Field.sepDegree F E as a natural number. This means that the cardinality of Field.Emb F E and the degree of (separableClosure F E) / F are both finite or infinite, and when they are finite, they coincide.

            The finite separable degree multiply by the finite inseparable degree is equal to the (finite) field extension degree.

            If K / E / F is a field extension tower, such that E / F is algebraic and K / E is separable, then E adjoin separableClosure F K is equal to K. It is a special case of separableClosure.adjoin_eq_of_isAlgebraic, and is an intermediate result used to prove it.

            If K / E / F is a field extension tower, such that E / F is algebraic, then E adjoin separableClosure F K is equal to separableClosure E K.

            theorem LinearIndependent.map_of_isPurelyInseparable_of_isSeparable {F : Type u} (E : Type v) [Field F] [Field E] [Algebra F E] {K : Type w} [Field K] [Algebra F K] [Algebra E K] [IsScalarTower F E K] [IsPurelyInseparable F E] {ι : Type u_1} {v : ιK} (hsep : ∀ (i : ι), IsSeparable F (v i)) (h : LinearIndependent F v) :

            If K / E / F is a field extension tower such that E / F is purely inseparable, if { u_i } is a family of separable elements of K which is F-linearly independent, then it is also E-linearly independent.

            If K / E / F is a field extension tower, such that E / F is purely inseparable and K / E is separable, then the separable degree of K / F is equal to the degree of K / E. It is a special case of Field.lift_sepDegree_mul_lift_sepDegree_of_isAlgebraic, and is an intermediate result used to prove it.

            If K / E / F is a field extension tower, such that E / F is separable, then $[E:F] [K:E]_s = [K:F]_s$. It is a special case of Field.lift_sepDegree_mul_lift_sepDegree_of_isAlgebraic, and is an intermediate result used to prove it.

            If K / E / F is a field extension tower, such that E / F is purely inseparable, then $[K:F]_s = [K:E]_s$. It is a special case of Field.lift_sepDegree_mul_lift_sepDegree_of_isAlgebraic, and is an intermediate result used to prove it.

            If K / E / F is a field extension tower, such that E / F is algebraic, then their separable degrees satisfy the tower law: $[E:F]_s [K:E]_s = [K:F]_s$.

            If K / E / F is a field extension tower, such that E / F is purely inseparable, then for any subset S of K such that F(S) / F is algebraic, the E(S) / E and F(S) / F have the same separable degree.

            If K / E / F is a field extension tower, such that E / F is purely inseparable, then for any intermediate field S of K / F such that S / F is algebraic, the E(S) / E and S / F have the same separable degree.

            theorem minpoly.map_eq_of_isSeparable_of_isPurelyInseparable {F : Type u} (E : Type v) [Field F] [Field E] [Algebra F E] {K : Type w} [Field K] [Algebra F K] [Algebra E K] [IsScalarTower F E K] (x : K) (hsep : IsSeparable F x) [IsPurelyInseparable F E] :

            If K / E / F is a field extension tower, such that E / F is purely inseparable, then for any element x of K separable over F, it has the same minimal polynomials over F and over E.

            theorem Polynomial.Separable.map_irreducible_of_isPurelyInseparable {F : Type u} (E : Type v) [Field F] [Field E] [Algebra F E] {f : Polynomial F} (hsep : f.Separable) (hirr : Irreducible f) [IsPurelyInseparable F E] :

            If E / F is a purely inseparable field extension, f is a separable irreducible polynomial over F, then it is also irreducible over E.