

Lexicographic order on finitely supported dependent functions #

This file defines the lexicographic order on DFinsupp.

def DFinsupp.Lex {ι : Type u_1} {α : ιType u_2} [(i : ι) → Zero (α i)] (r : ιιProp) (s : (i : ι) → α iα iProp) (x : Π₀ (i : ι), α i) (y : Π₀ (i : ι), α i) :

DFinsupp.Lex r s is the lexicographic relation on Π₀ i, α i, where ι is ordered by r, and α i is ordered by s i. The type synonym Lex (Π₀ i, α i) has an order given by DFinsupp.Lex (· < ·) (· < ·).

Instances For
    theorem Pi.lex_eq_dfinsupp_lex {ι : Type u_1} {α : ιType u_2} [(i : ι) → Zero (α i)] {r : ιιProp} {s : (i : ι) → α iα iProp} (a : Π₀ (i : ι), α i) (b : Π₀ (i : ι), α i) :
    Pi.Lex r (fun {i : ι} => s i) a b = DFinsupp.Lex r s a b
    theorem DFinsupp.lex_def {ι : Type u_1} {α : ιType u_2} [(i : ι) → Zero (α i)] {r : ιιProp} {s : (i : ι) → α iα iProp} {a : Π₀ (i : ι), α i} {b : Π₀ (i : ι), α i} :
    DFinsupp.Lex r s a b ∃ (j : ι), (∀ (d : ι), r d ja d = b d) s j (a j) (b j)
    instance DFinsupp.instLTLex {ι : Type u_1} {α : ιType u_2} [(i : ι) → Zero (α i)] [LT ι] [(i : ι) → LT (α i)] :
    LT (Lex (Π₀ (i : ι), α i))
    • DFinsupp.instLTLex = { lt := fun (f g : Lex (Π₀ (i : ι), α i)) => DFinsupp.Lex (fun (x x_1 : ι) => x < x_1) (fun (x : ι) (x_1 x_2 : α x) => x_1 < x_2) (ofLex f) (ofLex g) }
    theorem DFinsupp.lex_lt_of_lt_of_preorder {ι : Type u_1} {α : ιType u_2} [(i : ι) → Zero (α i)] [(i : ι) → Preorder (α i)] (r : ιιProp) [IsStrictOrder ι r] {x : Π₀ (i : ι), α i} {y : Π₀ (i : ι), α i} (hlt : x < y) :
    ∃ (i : ι), (∀ (j : ι), r j ix j y j y j x j) x i < y i
    theorem DFinsupp.lex_lt_of_lt {ι : Type u_1} {α : ιType u_2} [(i : ι) → Zero (α i)] [(i : ι) → PartialOrder (α i)] (r : ιιProp) [IsStrictOrder ι r] {x : Π₀ (i : ι), α i} {y : Π₀ (i : ι), α i} (hlt : x < y) :
    Pi.Lex r (fun {i : ι} (x x_1 : α i) => x < x_1) x y
    instance DFinsupp.Lex.isStrictOrder {ι : Type u_1} {α : ιType u_2} [(i : ι) → Zero (α i)] [LinearOrder ι] [(i : ι) → PartialOrder (α i)] :
    IsStrictOrder (Lex (Π₀ (i : ι), α i)) fun (x x_1 : Lex (Π₀ (i : ι), α i)) => x < x_1
    • =
    instance DFinsupp.Lex.partialOrder {ι : Type u_1} {α : ιType u_2} [(i : ι) → Zero (α i)] [LinearOrder ι] [(i : ι) → PartialOrder (α i)] :
    PartialOrder (Lex (Π₀ (i : ι), α i))

    The partial order on DFinsupps obtained by the lexicographic ordering. See DFinsupp.Lex.linearOrder for a proof that this partial order is in fact linear.

    theorem DFinsupp.Lex.decidableLE_def {ι : Type u_3} {α : ιType u_4} [(i : ι) → Zero (α i)] [LinearOrder ι] [(i : ι) → LinearOrder (α i)] :
    DFinsupp.Lex.decidableLE = DFinsupp.lt_trichotomy_rec (fun {f g : Π₀ (i : ι), α i} (h : toLex f < toLex g) => isTrue ) (fun {f g : Π₀ (i : ι), α i} (h : toLex f = toLex g) => isTrue ) fun {f g : Π₀ (i : ι), α i} (h : toLex g < toLex f) => isFalse
    def DFinsupp.Lex.decidableLE {ι : Type u_3} {α : ιType u_4} [(i : ι) → Zero (α i)] [LinearOrder ι] [(i : ι) → LinearOrder (α i)] :
    DecidableRel fun (x x_1 : Lex (Π₀ (i : ι), α i)) => x x_1

    The less-or-equal relation for the lexicographic ordering is decidable.

    Instances For
      def DFinsupp.Lex.decidableLT {ι : Type u_3} {α : ιType u_4} [(i : ι) → Zero (α i)] [LinearOrder ι] [(i : ι) → LinearOrder (α i)] :
      DecidableRel fun (x x_1 : Lex (Π₀ (i : ι), α i)) => x < x_1

      The less-than relation for the lexicographic ordering is decidable.

      Instances For
        theorem DFinsupp.Lex.decidableLT_def {ι : Type u_3} {α : ιType u_4} [(i : ι) → Zero (α i)] [LinearOrder ι] [(i : ι) → LinearOrder (α i)] :
        DFinsupp.Lex.decidableLT = DFinsupp.lt_trichotomy_rec (fun {f g : Π₀ (i : ι), α i} (h : toLex f < toLex g) => isTrue h) (fun {f g : Π₀ (i : ι), α i} (h : toLex f = toLex g) => isFalse ) fun {f g : Π₀ (i : ι), α i} (h : toLex g < toLex f) => isFalse
        instance DFinsupp.instDecidableEqLex {ι : Type u_1} {α : ιType u_2} [(i : ι) → Zero (α i)] [LinearOrder ι] [(i : ι) → LinearOrder (α i)] :
        DecidableEq (Lex (Π₀ (i : ι), α i))
        • One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
        instance DFinsupp.Lex.linearOrder {ι : Type u_1} {α : ιType u_2} [(i : ι) → Zero (α i)] [LinearOrder ι] [(i : ι) → LinearOrder (α i)] :
        LinearOrder (Lex (Π₀ (i : ι), α i))

        The linear order on DFinsupps obtained by the lexicographic ordering.

        • DFinsupp.Lex.linearOrder = let __spread.0 := DFinsupp.Lex.partialOrder; DFinsupp.Lex.decidableLE inferInstance DFinsupp.Lex.decidableLT
        theorem DFinsupp.toLex_monotone {ι : Type u_1} {α : ιType u_2} [(i : ι) → Zero (α i)] [LinearOrder ι] [(i : ι) → PartialOrder (α i)] :
        Monotone toLex
        theorem DFinsupp.lt_of_forall_lt_of_lt {ι : Type u_1} {α : ιType u_2} [(i : ι) → Zero (α i)] [LinearOrder ι] [(i : ι) → PartialOrder (α i)] (a : Lex (Π₀ (i : ι), α i)) (b : Lex (Π₀ (i : ι), α i)) (i : ι) :
        (j < i, (ofLex a) j = (ofLex b) j)(ofLex a) i < (ofLex b) ia < b

        We are about to sneak in a hypothesis that might appear to be too strong. We assume CovariantClass with strict inequality < also when proving the one with the weak inequality . This is actually necessary: addition on Lex (Π₀ i, α i) may fail to be monotone, when it is "just" monotone on α i.

        instance DFinsupp.Lex.covariantClass_lt_left {ι : Type u_1} {α : ιType u_2} [LinearOrder ι] [(i : ι) → AddMonoid (α i)] [(i : ι) → LinearOrder (α i)] [∀ (i : ι), CovariantClass (α i) (α i) (fun (x x_1 : α i) => x + x_1) fun (x x_1 : α i) => x < x_1] :
        CovariantClass (Lex (Π₀ (i : ι), α i)) (Lex (Π₀ (i : ι), α i)) (fun (x x_1 : Lex (Π₀ (i : ι), α i)) => x + x_1) fun (x x_1 : Lex (Π₀ (i : ι), α i)) => x < x_1
        • =
        instance DFinsupp.Lex.covariantClass_le_left {ι : Type u_1} {α : ιType u_2} [LinearOrder ι] [(i : ι) → AddMonoid (α i)] [(i : ι) → LinearOrder (α i)] [∀ (i : ι), CovariantClass (α i) (α i) (fun (x x_1 : α i) => x + x_1) fun (x x_1 : α i) => x < x_1] :
        CovariantClass (Lex (Π₀ (i : ι), α i)) (Lex (Π₀ (i : ι), α i)) (fun (x x_1 : Lex (Π₀ (i : ι), α i)) => x + x_1) fun (x x_1 : Lex (Π₀ (i : ι), α i)) => x x_1
        • =
        instance DFinsupp.Lex.covariantClass_lt_right {ι : Type u_1} {α : ιType u_2} [LinearOrder ι] [(i : ι) → AddMonoid (α i)] [(i : ι) → LinearOrder (α i)] [∀ (i : ι), CovariantClass (α i) (α i) (Function.swap fun (x x_1 : α i) => x + x_1) fun (x x_1 : α i) => x < x_1] :
        CovariantClass (Lex (Π₀ (i : ι), α i)) (Lex (Π₀ (i : ι), α i)) (Function.swap fun (x x_1 : Lex (Π₀ (i : ι), α i)) => x + x_1) fun (x x_1 : Lex (Π₀ (i : ι), α i)) => x < x_1
        • =
        instance DFinsupp.Lex.covariantClass_le_right {ι : Type u_1} {α : ιType u_2} [LinearOrder ι] [(i : ι) → AddMonoid (α i)] [(i : ι) → LinearOrder (α i)] [∀ (i : ι), CovariantClass (α i) (α i) (Function.swap fun (x x_1 : α i) => x + x_1) fun (x x_1 : α i) => x < x_1] :
        CovariantClass (Lex (Π₀ (i : ι), α i)) (Lex (Π₀ (i : ι), α i)) (Function.swap fun (x x_1 : Lex (Π₀ (i : ι), α i)) => x + x_1) fun (x x_1 : Lex (Π₀ (i : ι), α i)) => x x_1
        • =
        instance DFinsupp.Lex.orderBot {ι : Type u_1} {α : ιType u_2} [LinearOrder ι] [(i : ι) → CanonicallyOrderedAddCommMonoid (α i)] :
        OrderBot (Lex (Π₀ (i : ι), α i))
        instance DFinsupp.Lex.orderedAddCancelCommMonoid {ι : Type u_1} {α : ιType u_2} [LinearOrder ι] [(i : ι) → OrderedCancelAddCommMonoid (α i)] :
        OrderedCancelAddCommMonoid (Lex (Π₀ (i : ι), α i))
        instance DFinsupp.Lex.orderedAddCommGroup {ι : Type u_1} {α : ιType u_2} [LinearOrder ι] [(i : ι) → OrderedAddCommGroup (α i)] :
        OrderedAddCommGroup (Lex (Π₀ (i : ι), α i))
        instance DFinsupp.Lex.linearOrderedCancelAddCommMonoid {ι : Type u_1} {α : ιType u_2} [LinearOrder ι] [(i : ι) → LinearOrderedCancelAddCommMonoid (α i)] :
        LinearOrderedCancelAddCommMonoid (Lex (Π₀ (i : ι), α i))
        • One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
        instance DFinsupp.Lex.linearOrderedAddCommGroup {ι : Type u_1} {α : ιType u_2} [LinearOrder ι] [(i : ι) → LinearOrderedAddCommGroup (α i)] :
        LinearOrderedAddCommGroup (Lex (Π₀ (i : ι), α i))
        • DFinsupp.Lex.linearOrderedAddCommGroup = let __spread.0 := inferInstance; LinearOrder.decidableLE LinearOrder.decidableEq LinearOrder.decidableLT