

Reindexed basis #

This file introduces an equivalence between the set of embeddings of K into and the index set of the chosen basis of the ring of integers of K.

Tagshouse #

number field, algebraic number

@[reducible, inline]

An equivalence between the set of embeddings of K into and the index set of the chosen basis of the ring of integers of K.

Instances For
    @[reducible, inline]

    The basis matrix for the embeddings of K into . This matrix is formed by taking the lattice basis vectors of K and reindexing them according to the equivalence equivReindex, then transposing the resulting matrix.

    Instances For
      theorem NumberField.canonicalEmbedding_eq_basisMatrix_mulVec {K : Type u_1} [Field K] [NumberField K] (α : K) :
      (NumberField.canonicalEmbedding K) α = (NumberField.basisMatrix K).transpose.mulVec fun (i : K →+* ) => ((((NumberField.integralBasis K).reindex (NumberField.equivReindex K).symm).repr α) i)