Clifford algebras of a direct sum of two vector spaces #
We show that the Clifford algebra of a direct sum is the graded tensor product of the Clifford
algebras, as CliffordAlgebra.equivProd
Main definitions: #
CliffordAlgebra.equivProd : CliffordAlgebra (Q₁.prod Q₂) ≃ₐ[R] (evenOdd Q₁ ᵍ⊗[R] evenOdd Q₂)
Introduce morphisms and equivalences of graded algebas, and upgrade CliffordAlgebra.equivProd
to a
graded algebra equivalence.
If m₁
and m₂
are both homogenous,
and the quadratic spaces Q₁
and Q₂
map into
orthogonal subspaces of Qₙ
(for instance, when Qₙ = Q₁.prod Q₂
then the product of the embedding in CliffordAlgebra Q
commutes up to a sign factor.
The forward direction of CliffordAlgebra.prodEquiv
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Instances For
The reverse direction of CliffordAlgebra.prodEquiv
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Instances For
The Clifford algebra over an orthogonal direct sum of quadratic vector spaces is isomorphic as an algebra to the graded tensor product of the Clifford algebras of each space.
This is CliffordAlgebra.toProd
and CliffordAlgebra.ofProd
as an equivalence.
- CliffordAlgebra.prodEquiv Q₁ Q₂ = AlgEquiv.ofAlgHom (CliffordAlgebra.ofProd Q₁ Q₂) (CliffordAlgebra.toProd Q₁ Q₂) ⋯ ⋯