Mayer-Vietoris squares #
The purpose of this file is to allow the formalization of long exact
Mayer-Vietoris sequences in sheaf cohomology. If X₄
is an open subset
of a topological space that is covered by two open subsets X₂
and X₃
it is known that there is a long exact sequence
... ⟶ H^q(X₄) ⟶ H^q(X₂) ⊞ H^q(X₃) ⟶ H^q(X₁) ⟶ H^{q+1}(X₄) ⟶ ...
where X₁
is the intersection of X₂
and X₃
, and H^q
are the
cohomology groups with values in an abelian sheaf.
In this file, we introduce a structure
which extends Squace C
and asserts properties which shall imply the existence of long
exact Mayer-Vietoris sequences in sheaf cohomology (TODO).
We require that the map X₁ ⟶ X₃
is a monomorphism and
that the square in C
becomes a pushout square in
the category of sheaves after the application of the
functor yoneda ⋙ presheafToSheaf J _
. Note that in the
standard case of a covering by two open subsets, all
the morphisms in the square would be monomorphisms,
but this dissymetry allows the example of Nisnevich distinguished
squares in the case of the Nisnevich topology on schemes (in which case
f₂₄ : X₂ ⟶ X₄
shall be an open immersion and
f₃₄ : X₃ ⟶ X₄
an étale map that is an isomorphism over
the closed (reduced) subscheme X₄ - X₂
and X₁
shall be the pullback of f₂₄
and f₃₄
- show that when "evaluating" a sheaf on a Mayer-Vietoris square, one obtains a pullback square
- provide constructors for
References #
A Mayer-Vietoris square in a category C
equipped with a Grothendieck
topology consists of a commutative square f₁₂ ≫ f₂₄ = f₁₃ ≫ f₃₄
in C
such that f₁₃
is a monomorphism and that the square becomes a
pushout square in the category of sheaves of sets.
- X₁ : C
- X₂ : C
- X₃ : C
- X₄ : C
- f₁₂ : self.X₁ ⟶ self.X₂
- f₁₃ : self.X₁ ⟶ self.X₃
- f₂₄ : self.X₂ ⟶ self.X₄
- f₃₄ : self.X₃ ⟶ self.X₄
- fac : CategoryTheory.CategoryStruct.comp self.f₁₂ self.f₂₄ = CategoryTheory.CategoryStruct.comp self.f₁₃ self.f₃₄
- mono_f₁₃ : CategoryTheory.Mono self.f₁₃
- isPushout : ( (CategoryTheory.yoneda.comp (CategoryTheory.presheafToSheaf J (Type v)))).IsPushout
the square becomes a pushout square in the category of sheaves of types
Instances For
the square becomes a pushout square in the category of sheaves of types