

Colimits in categories of presheaves of modules #

In this file, it is shown that under suitable assumptions, colimits exist in the category PresheafOfModules R.

A cocone in the category PresheafOfModules R is colimit if it is so after the application of the functors evaluation R X for all X.

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Instances For

    Given F : J ⥤ PresheafOfModules.{v} R, this is the BundledCorePresheafOfModules R which corresponds to the presheaf of modules which sends X to the colimit of F ⋙ evaluation R X.

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    Instances For

      Given F : J ⥤ PresheafOfModules.{v} R, this is the canonical map F.obj j ⟶ (colimitBundledCore F).toPresheafOfModules for all j : J.

      Instances For

        The (colimit) cocone for F : J ⥤ PresheafOfModules.{v} R that is constructed from the colimit of F ⋙ evaluation R X for all X.

        Instances For

          The cocone colimitCocone F is colimit for any F : J ⥤ PresheafOfModules.{v} R.

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          Instances For