

The completion of a number field at an infinite place #

This file contains the completion of a number field at its infinite places.

This is ultimately achieved by applying the UniformSpace.Completion functor, however each infinite place induces its own UniformSpace instance on the number field, so the inference system cannot automatically infer these. A common approach to handle the ambiguity that arises from having multiple sources of instances is through the use of type synonyms. In this case, we define a type synonym WithAbs for a semiring. In particular this type synonym depends on an absolute value. This provides a systematic way of assigning and inferring instances of the semiring that also depend on an absolute value. In our application, relevant instances and the completion of a number field K are first defined at the level of AbsoluteValue by using the type synonym WithAbs of K, and then derived downstream for InfinitePlace (which is a subtype of AbsoluteValue). Namely, if v is an infinite place of K, then v.completion defines the completion of K at v.

The embedding v.embedding : K →+* ℂ associated to an v enjoys useful properties within the uniform structure defined by v; namely, it is a uniform embedding and an isometry. This is because the absolute value associated to v factors through v.embedding. This allows us to show that the completion of K at an infinite place is locally compact. Moreover, we can extend v.embedding to a embedding v.completion →+* ℂ. We show that if v is real (i.e., v.embedding (K) ⊆ ℝ) then the extended embedding gives an isomorphism v.completion ≃+* ℝ, else the extended embedding gives an isomorphism v.completion ≃+* ℂ.

Main definitions #

Main results #

Tags #

number field, embeddings, infinite places, completion

def WithAbs {R : Type u_1} {S : Type u_2} [Semiring R] [OrderedSemiring S] :
AbsoluteValue R SType u_1

Type synonym for a semiring which depends on an absolute value. This is a function that takes an absolute value on a semiring and returns the semiring. We use this to assign and infer instances on a semiring that depend on absolute values.

Instances For
    instance WithAbs.normedField {K : Type u_1} [Field K] (v : AbsoluteValue K ) :
    theorem WithAbs.isometry_of_comp {K : Type u_2} [Field K] {v : AbsoluteValue K } {L : Type u_1} [NormedField L] {f : WithAbs v →+* L} (h : ∀ (x : WithAbs v), f x = v x) :

    If the absolute value v factors through an embedding f into a normed field, then f is an isometry.

    theorem WithAbs.pseudoMetricSpace_induced_of_comp {K : Type u_2} [Field K] {v : AbsoluteValue K } {L : Type u_1} [NormedField L] {f : WithAbs v →+* L} (h : ∀ (x : WithAbs v), f x = v x) :
    PseudoMetricSpace.induced (f) inferInstance = MetricSpace.toPseudoMetricSpace

    If the absolute value v factors through an embedding f into a normed field, then the pseudo metric space associated to the absolute value is the same as the pseudo metric space induced by f.

    theorem WithAbs.uniformSpace_comap_eq_of_comp {K : Type u_2} [Field K] {v : AbsoluteValue K } {L : Type u_1} [NormedField L] {f : WithAbs v →+* L} (h : ∀ (x : WithAbs v), f x = v x) :
    UniformSpace.comap (f) inferInstance = PseudoMetricSpace.toUniformSpace

    If the absolute value v factors through an embedding f into a normed field, then the uniform structure associated to the absolute value is the same as the uniform structure induced by f.

    theorem WithAbs.uniformInducing_of_comp {K : Type u_2} [Field K] {v : AbsoluteValue K } {L : Type u_1} [NormedField L] {f : WithAbs v →+* L} (h : ∀ (x : WithAbs v), f x = v x) :

    If the absolute value v factors through an embedding f into a normed field, then f is uniform inducing.

    @[reducible, inline]
    abbrev AbsoluteValue.completion {K : Type u_1} [Field K] (v : AbsoluteValue K ) :
    Type u_1

    The completion of a field with respect to a real absolute value.

    Instances For
      @[reducible, inline]
      abbrev AbsoluteValue.Completion.extensionEmbedding_of_comp {K : Type u_1} [Field K] {v : AbsoluteValue K } {L : Type u_2} [NormedField L] [CompleteSpace L] {f : WithAbs v →+* L} (h : ∀ (x : WithAbs v), f x = v x) :
      v.completion →+* L

      If the absolute value of a normed field factors through an embedding into another normed field L, then we can extend that embedding to an embedding on the completion v.completion →+* L.

      Instances For

        If the absolute value of a normed field factors through an embedding into another normed field, then the extended embedding v.completion →+* L preserves distances.

        If the absolute value of a normed field factors through an embedding into another normed field, then the extended embedding v.completion →+* L is an isometry.

        If the absolute value of a normed field factors through an embedding into another normed field, then the extended embedding v.completion →+* L is a closed embedding.

        theorem AbsoluteValue.Completion.locallyCompactSpace {K : Type u_1} [Field K] {v : AbsoluteValue K } {L : Type u_2} [NormedField L] [CompleteSpace L] {f : WithAbs v →+* L} [LocallyCompactSpace L] (h : ∀ (x : WithAbs v), f x = v x) :
        LocallyCompactSpace v.completion

        If the absolute value of a normed field factors through an embedding into another normed field that is locally compact, then the completion of the first normed field is also locally compact.

        @[reducible, inline]

        The completion of a number field at an infinite place.

        • v.completion = (v).completion
        Instances For

          The completion of a number field at an infinite place is locally compact.

          • =

          The embedding associated to an infinite place extended to an embedding v.completion →+* ℂ.

          Instances For

            The embedding K →+* ℝ associated to a real infinite place extended to v.completion →+* ℝ.

            Instances For

              The embedding v.completion →+* ℝ associated to a real infinite place has closed image inside .

              If v is a complex infinite place, then the embedding v.completion →+* ℂ is surjective.

              If v is a complex infinite place, then the embedding v.completion →+* ℂ is bijective.

              The ring isomorphism v.completion ≃+* ℂ, when v is complex, given by the bijection v.completion →+* ℂ.

              Instances For

                If the infinite place v is complex, then v.completion is isometric to .

                Instances For

                  The ring isomorphism v.completion ≃+* ℝ, when v is real, given by the bijection v.completion →+* ℝ.

                  Instances For

                    If the infinite place v is real, then v.completion is isometric to .

                    Instances For